Monday, March 21, 2011

Your life is on purpose.

YES it is! Regardless of what you may be thinking, feeling, or how you feel life is treating your life isn't a bust. It's not as bad as it appears. Truly your future is brighter and more fulfilling than what any present situation could be appearing to you now. It's all apart of your life plan. Every detail of your life matters and every situiation that you've face or even presently facing is guiding you to your place of value and significance.

What good would a military drill instructor serve if he hadn't come through and battles, victories, or defeats? How would his life matter to those whom he'd been assigned to train and prepare had he not endured some hardship and training that would ultimately prepare him with what he needed to serve a greater purpose beyond himself?

As it relates to anyone that's reading this blog concerned about your life's significance and present struggles think on this. Struggle is a life trainer that teaches every human being at stages in life. Every child ever born has entered this world in a struggle through a process called birth. though that process can be strenuos on mom and child it's bringing new and valuable into existence. Now a struggle is not always bad and holds great value if we see what we are going through in the right way and understand what it's processing us into or out of.

I truly belive there is something new and valuable you are about to be ushered into by the very situations or struggles you may face. Press on and know that it's apart of the plan God has set to prosper you and give you hope and a great future. It's all apart of THE PLAN....... EVEN THIS BLOG YOU'VE JUST READ.



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