Friday, March 18, 2011

The time is NOW!

Stop waiting because TIME waits for no man/woman. Time is ticking away......TICK,TICK,TICK,TICK. It never stops. It's always moving out of something OLD into something NEW. When are you going to move out and press into the next level in your life. When are you going to give that dream you have a real shot at coming to pass. You have enough courage to talk about it but you are stutter stepping crippled by fear. Today I challenge you to step out in faith. Stop telling yourself you will do tomorrow what you can do TODAY!

Our tomorrow will look no different than where we are today if we don't start making changes and making bold moves today.That relationship that keeps frustrating your progress will keep doing it until you make a choice. That business idea you have will remain JUST AN IDEA until you do something with it. That personal struggle you have will keep being a struggle sucking life from you until you reach out for help today.

I believe in you and the power and potential you have to be what's never been before in your family. The future is bright and full of hope for you because I know if you are reading this blog to this point you are ready to do what it will take to get all the great things life has for you. Go for it and do all that's in your heart. All you needed was a little push.....


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